Sunday, June 21, 2009


Lisa and I left Evalyn with her grandma Friday to give her a break, and we capped off a jam-packed week with a fantastic show in Woodward, OK. The kids were just great, and I was able to work their creativity into the show. One highlight was "Silly Song" where an impromptu verse had me being chased around the room by a volunteer "lion" while singing, "Silly silly silly silly..." Another highlight was a new approach to "Reading Makes Me Want to Dance Out Loud."

Here are a few photos:

"I read the book - ME!"

I put Lisa on the spot and asked her to help me demonstrate the new dance moves for "Reading Makes Me Want to Dance Out Loud." Here she is dancing like a dinosaur!

And here is a good portion of the audience posing with me after the show. What a good looking group!

P.S. I post small versions of these photos online, but if you would like an original at high resolution, just write to me and I'll send it. (monty at montyharper dot com)

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