Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I have two songs in the running for Unisong's People's Choice Award, "Take Me to Your Library" and "It's Hard to Love a Reptile!" Vote early and vote often - up to three times a day! Just look for my face. (Not that I'm trying to influence your vote or anything!)

Here is the link: http://www.unisong.com/PeoplesChoice.aspx

Here is more information from Unisong:

The "People's Choice Award" has begun! Now that the judging is complete by our various panels of professional experts for our 2005-2006 "Unisong" International Song Contest, and the winners have already been announced , we are now ready to kick off our final new feature for this round of the competition, the "People's Choice Award"! This award is designed to let everyone have their own say in selecting one final worthy winner out of the top four winners in all 17 categories, or a total pool of 68 songs in consideration for this extra online prize.

The writer selected for this final award will receive a bonus $500 USD in addition to any other prizes they have already won!
You be the judge! Since any song in the pool can win if it gets the most votes, it's a great chance for the public to add their own opinion, and vote for what they think is the best song, whether it's the same one the judges picked or not.

There will be a three week voting period starting now, and ending on September 10th, with the winner announced on September 15th.

Anyone can vote up to 3 times per day! Vote for one particular song 3 times ,or vote for 2 or 3 different songs. And you can vote up to three times every day until September 10th if you wish. The choice is yours! .

To cast your votes click on the following link http://www.unisong.com/PeoplesChoice.aspx or visit us at http://www.unisong.com

Please note that we have decided to display the songs in a changing daily "random" order to avoid influencing the voting.

Thanks for your interest and support of "Unsiong" and may the best song win this final award, as chosen by the People...You!!!

Stay tuned for the launch of the 11th annual "Unisong", starting on October 15th!


"Unisong" Created by Songwriters...for Songwriters

Monday, August 21, 2006

Free Prize Inside

** Limited Time Offer **

Paws, Claws, Scales & Tales CDs - $9 each when you buy more than one copy at CDBaby!

Plus, include your email address to receive a free "Free Prize Inside" compilation CD with 15 top children's artists! (See below)

Isn't this a fantastic drawing? It comes from Zackary in West Springfield, MA, who says:

Dear Monty, I think that you are A GREAT singer! My favorite song is "It's Hard to Love a Reptile," because I love reptiles a lot. Dinosaurs are reptiles too, you know. I know a lot about Dinosaurs, too. I even have books about them. Dinosaurs are FASCINATING! I'M SENDING A PICTURE OF "IT'S HARD TO LOVE A REPTILE" WITH THIS NOTE.

Zack's brother Nick wrote:
Monty, my favorite songs are "I took my dragon for a walk", "Dog Books", "It's hard to love a reptile", "The cat came back", "Gimme vegetables", and "I go bananas." Please keep making songs for us to enjoy.

And Zack and Nick's mom Valerie wrote:
"My boys have thoroughly enjoyed your latest CD. They put it on replay when they go to bed at night and wake up to it in the morning. I was very happy that I found your website the other day. Keep up the good work. We all are looking forward hearing more!"

Cool, guys - thanks for your letters and artwork, and for agreeing to let me share them!!

Free Prize Inside (Free CD with purchase)
1. Imagination Movers, "Clean My Room" www.imaginationmovers.com
2. Steve Songs, "Gravity" www.stevesongs.com
3. Monty Harper, "I Go Bananas" www.montyharper.com
4. Will Hale, "Make Me Laugh" www.willhale.com
5. Mr. Billy, "Seuss On The Loose" www.misterbilly.com
6. Erin Lee & Marci, "This Year" www.gottaplay.org
7. The Doo-Dads, "The Ball Song" www.thedoodads.com
8. Ken Lonnquist, "X-Ray Specs" www.kenland.com
9. Two of a Kind, "The Double Life of Amphibians" www.twoofakind.com
10. Macaroni Soup!, "Stinky Cake" www.macaronisoup.com
11. Lou Del Bianco, "Dawn Puccini" www.findlou.com
12. Beth & Scott and Friends, "Hello, My Name Is Joe" www.bethandscott.net
13. Andy "The Music Man" Morse, "R-I-N-G-O" www.andysings.com
14. Susan Salidor, "The Boo Boo Gets Better By and By” www.susansalidor.com
15. Barry Louis Polisar, "Early Sunday Morning" www.barrylou.com

Spare the Rock

Happy birthday to me! Yup, today's my birthday. I'm still less than forty today.

Here is a photo of me and Evalyn recording an episode of Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child. We'll be taking over the entire two-hour popular children's radio show and podcast as guest DJs this coming Saturday, August 26. Visit SpareTheRock.com for more information.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Goodnight Sun

This month's podcast features a conversation with my friend and children's monster rock sensation, Mr. Billy, about a new song, "Goodnight Sun," which we wrote together. The song will appear on Mr. Billy's new CD, Batteries Not Included, due to be out soon.

Listen to or download the new podcast: Goodnight Sun
Take the survey for a chance to win a CD: Survey
Subscribe: Feedburner Feed
Or subscribe through iTunes: iTunes Feed

Visit Mr. Billy online: MisterBilly.com