Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Two great shows in McAlester today!

You know, I never really know what to say in these blog posts any more. What do you want to know?
Time our alarms went off: 5:00 AM

What we read in the car: Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos, the latest Newbery. Intriguing mystery  / coming of age story with lots of good laughs, but awfully hard on old ladies.

Where we had lunch: East Gourmet chinese buffet - yum!

Hours in the car: five

What we did with the dog: Dropped her off at Lisa's mom's

When we got home: 6:00 PM

Alarm for tomorrow: 5:00 AM

What do you guys think, am I due for a haircut?

Waiting for a bussed in group to arrive before starting the show, I entertained by reading a book to the kids. 

Singing a "spooky story" song.