Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Lisa and I Visit Evalyn's Class + A Buffalo at Sooner Elementary

Yesterday Lisa and I visited Evalyn's first grade class at Richmond. Lisa usually goes in on Tuesdays to read to the kids. Here's a rare photo I took of her in action!

I came along with Lisa yesterday to rehearse "Oklahoma Annie." Evalyn and I were asked to lead the class in a performance of our song for the opening assembly coming up Monday the 19th.

Today I performed my Oklahoma program for two enthusiastic groups at Sooner Elementary in Moore, OK. Here I am, posing with the buffalo that greets visitors in the front foyer.

Tomorrow I'm in Geary, then Duncan on Friday; next week, six days in a row of programs! The centennial is the 16th. After that I get a break from performing for a while, and I plan to do some writing and recording, plus catching up on all kinds of things...

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